Classification (1) EDA (1) Linear Regression (1) MLB (1) Metis (5) NLP (2) Random Forest (1) Slack (1) Topic Modeling (1) Web Scraping (1) bot (1) e-commerce (1) flask (1) logistic regression (1) random forrest (1) xgboost (3)

 Classification (1)

What makes a great review?

 EDA (1)

Where do you put your volunteers?!?

 Linear Regression (1)

What should you pay that next great talent?

 MLB (1)

What should you pay that next great talent?

 Metis (5)

JasonBot - Answering your questions with NLP
What makes a great review?
Will you buy or not in your next visit?
What should you pay that next great talent?
Where do you put your volunteers?!?

 NLP (2)

JasonBot - Answering your questions with NLP
What makes a great review?

 Random Forest (1)

JasonBot - Answering your questions with NLP

 Slack (1)

JasonBot - Answering your questions with NLP

 Topic Modeling (1)

What makes a great review?

 Web Scraping (1)

What should you pay that next great talent?

 bot (1)

JasonBot - Answering your questions with NLP

 e-commerce (1)

Will you buy or not in your next visit?

 flask (1)

What makes a great review?

 logistic regression (1)

Will you buy or not in your next visit?

 random forrest (1)

Will you buy or not in your next visit?

 xgboost (3)

JasonBot - Answering your questions with NLP
What makes a great review?
Will you buy or not in your next visit?